Maryland Value Added Producer Grant - Capital Assets Option (MVAPG-CAO)
Sep 24, 2020 - Sep 24, 2020
Once per year, MARBIDCO offers grants of between $2,500 and $10,000 distributed on a competitive basis for value added processing capital asset projects. Eligible applicants must be a crop or livestock producer or processor, agricultural cooperative, seafood processor, or primary or secondary timber products processor, and have been in business for a minimum of two years. In addition, applicants must be making a product that is “value added.”
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More Information
The application deadline is 4:00 p.m., on Thursday, September 24, 2020. Applications received in the mail with a Saturday, September 19, 2020 postmark will also be accepted. Applications can be e-mailed to, this must include a signed and completed MARBIDCO MVAPG-CAO appliation with all attachments, in pdf format by the 4:00 p.m. Thursday September 24, 2020 deadline. A hard copy signed original application must also be mailed in addition to sending the e-mail. Grant announcements should be made by mid-November 2020. Late applications will not be accepted.
Maryland Value Added Producer Grant – Capital Assets Option (MVAPG–CAO) program is designed to encourage farms and other rural businesses wanting to expand or diversify their operations through value added processing to purchase equipment or construct facilities.
Applicants must be making a product that is “value added.” A product that is value added has an incremental value realized by the producer or processor as a result of:
1. Change in physical state;
2. Differentiated production or marketing;
3. Product segregation; and / or
4. Economic benefit realized from the production of farm- or ranch-based, rural community-based biomass energy.
MVAPG funds and matching funds must be used for capital assets that have a useful life of seven years or more. Grants are made on a 1:1 match, meaning the applicant must supply matching funds that are equal to or greater than the amount requested from MARBIDCO.
Maximum Grant Amount: Awards are made of up to $10,000 per applicant ($2,500 minimum request).
The maximum cumulative amount of grant funding a single applicant may receive from this program is $30,000, and from all MARBIDCO grant incentive programs, the cap is $50,000. Additionally, a previous MARBIDCO grant incentive fund account must be closed out (i.e., there are no funds remaining) before an applicant can be considered for a new grant incentive award.
Success Story:

Recently, Blades Orchard in Caroline County, Maryland expanded its orchard and CSA business to include a distilling company, Faulkner Branch Cidery & Distilling Company, LLC.
The Blade family applied for and received funding from MARBIDCO’s Maryland Value Added Producer Grant – Capital Assets Option Program to purchase a still and construct a building that would enable them to obtain a distilling license.
Since the MVAPG-CAO grant was established in 2011, MARBIDCO has awarded just over $1.1 million to fund 102 projects in nearly every county in Maryland and in Baltimore City.
In 2018, MARBIDCO funded 13 projects for a total investment of $114,993.
Application Submission Process
The application deadline for the 2020 Maryland Value Added Producer Grant (Capital Assets Option) will be at 4:00 p.m., on Thursday, September 24, 2020.
Basic application requirements 

- Completed application form (please no binders)
- Evidence of matching funds
- Tax returns (including all Schedules for most recent past year)
- Detailed business plan 
- Agree to site inspection prior to final approval
- If awarded must also agree to site inspections during construction phase of project
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